
EasyEye Focuses on Custom Readers

EasyEye’s consumer insight was that people have two different eye strengths and that traditional readers give one overall lens strength. Their product advantage is its interchangeable lens feature within its frames so consumers can attach the lens strength appropriate to them. The reader frames are fashion-forward but not over-the-top statement pieces.

TASK. To separate EasyEye from its core competitors such as Foster Grants and design a symbol that gives the consumer instant recognition of the core benefit. Create an approachable brand that conveys trust, simplicity, and quality. Ultimately, it takes seconds to switch out the lenses. The tone is a friendly conversation that engages its consumers.

SOLVE. The Lens! That’s it. Simple.

OUTCOME. THD created a vibrant brand that speaks to the simplicity of the product. The lens stands out amongst its competitors by using orange as its branded color and a large-cap/small-cap logotype solution. The mark is scaleable and works on the arm of a frame to a side of a building.

Apple+Monitor+with+EasyEye+Web+Stay+Focused copy.png

NEEDLE & THREAD - Crispy Twig Production


KECK School of Medicine at USC